Located at the newly built Chong Hwa building, the Centenary Gallery has been conceived in commemoration of its 100th anniversary. It was established to showcase archives, artworks that exhibits the school's past, present, and future journey from its modest inception, as well as a centre for cross-cultural arts and literature.

The entrance to the Centenary Gallery of Chong Hwa Independent High School.
The entrance to the Centenary Gallery of Chong Hwa Independent High School.
A3 was entrusted with the role as the curator and interior designer, leading a team of specialists and artists, worked in collaboration closely with the school and other affiliated parties in this endeavour.
The sculptural art — "愛我中華", "Love my Chong Hwa", is made with traditional Mandarin letterpress characters which were used to print out documents, correspondence, and exam papers of the school in the olden days.
The sculptural art — "愛我中華", "Love my Chong Hwa", is made with traditional Mandarin letterpress characters which were used to print out documents, correspondence, and exam papers of the school in the olden days.

The gallery is divided into 4 halls — namely:
1. 力争上游 Perseverance & Dedication
2. 把根留住 Cherishing the past
3. 以人文本 Morality & Humanism Principles
4. 同心协力 Unity
2. 把根留住 Cherishing the past
3. 以人文本 Morality & Humanism Principles
4. 同心协力 Unity